Join ICARUS Birds

We would like to invite ornithologists from across Europe to participate in this collaborative effort to maximize the number of birds tagged.


We follow the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement).

We are searching for skilled, experienced bird ringers whose expertise in safely capturing and handling wild birds is crucial to our project. Ideally, candidates will already possess a valid bird ringing license; however, those who do not will need to obtain one through their respective national ringing schemes following local regulations. Depending on national laws, a separate tagging permit (authorization to attach a tracking logger to the bird) may also be required.

Our project partners and field staff are responsible for obtaining any necessary permits national legislation requires.

Scientific rationale

A brief scientific rationale is often required when submitting an application for a tagging permit. You can find a summary of our project's rationale on the Scientific Rationale page.

Tagging methods

Collaborators may use the tagging method approved by their ethical committee. At the same time, on the Tagging Methods page, you will find recommendations on tagging methods from our experts.


First phase: fall 2024 - fall 2025

Second phase: fall 2025 - fall 2027

Tracking technology

For this project, we will use our novel animal-borne sensor technology. You will find a description of the technology and transmitters on the Tracking Technology page.

Cooperation agreement

Ornithologists and researchers who want to collaborate with us need to read and agree to the Cooperation Agreement.

If you agree and want to participate, please fill out this form.

Here are the basic terms of cooperation between us, the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB), and ornithologists (Collaborator). [more]
One of the most pressing issues of our time is the biodiversity crisis, a situation that demands our immediate attention. [more]
Under construction [Jesko] [more]
In our project, we will be using three transmitter models:
ICARUS-NanoFox – for common swifts
ICARUS-TinyFoxTwo – for common blackbirds, song thrushes, and European starlings
ICARUS-TinyFoxSolar – for European kestrels [more]
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