Bird Movements and Animal Marking

We focus on phenology of bird movements and the consequences of movement behaviour for the bird as well as for the environment. This reaches from morphological adaptations of the flight apparatus and of the immune system to behavioural adaptations, life history traits and conservation aspects on one side and the dispersal of plants and animals (including pathogens) through migrating birds on the other side. In addition, our group manages the Centre for Animal Marking “Vogelwarte Radolfzell” that provides support and data management for scientific bird ringing in Southern Germany and Berlin as well as multiple services from training and support in permit issues to trapping, tagging and data management in electronic tracking projects – not just of birds.


In the Media


June 02, 2024

Im Dienst der Wissenschaft: Jungstörche mit Sender ausgestattet more

<span><span><span>Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung</span></span></span>

Was macht der Bienenfresser am Kaiserstuhl? more

Two birds in a nest

New Scientist

February 12, 2024

Half of migratory animal species are in decline – many face extinction more

Der Falke magazine cover

Der Falke

February 01, 2024

Movebank, Animal Tracker und Co. more


Der Standard

January 18, 2024

Kein Bock auf Süden: Wenn Zugvögel auf den Langstreckenflug pfeifen more

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