In the Media

<span><span><span><span>Yale E360</span></span></span></span>

The 'Internet of Animals' Could Transform What We Know About Wildlife more

<span><span><span><span>Spektrum der Wissenschaft</span></span></span></span>

Buchkritik zu »The Internet of Animals« more

<span><span><span><span>The Conversation</span></span></span></span>

The internet of animals? An inside account of an ambitious plan to track animal movements across the globe more


Das ICARUS-Projekt - was die Tiere uns erzählen, wenn wir es verstehen ihnen zuzuhören more

<span><span><span>CBC, The Current</span></span></span>

The Internet of Animals more

<span><span><span>Undark</span></span></span> Magazine

Book Review: The untapped knowledge of animals more

<span><span><span>Psychology Today</span></span></span>

"The Internet of Animals" and Earth's Collective Intelligence more

<span><span><span>The Sydney Morning Herald</span></span></span>

Non-fiction pick of the week more

Goat in front of volvanic eruption

Das Geheime Wissen der Tiere more

Snakes draped around wooden statue

Serpenti sentinelle del terremoto more


Tiere als Frühwarnsystem: Wie Huhn und Kuh Katastrophen erspüren more

Martin Wikelski holding a fruitbat

Amseln in Stringtangas – Verhaltensforscher Martin Wikelski und sein Internet der Tiere more

BR Podcast

Das geheime Wissen der Tiere - Mit Hightech aufgedeckt more

Book cover of the Internet of Animals

ICARUS oder: "The Internet of Animals" more

Martn Wikelski on Set

Martin Wikelski erforscht weltweit Tierbewegungen für die Vorhersage von Katastrophen more

Illustration of Martin Wikelski flying with satellite wings

How tracking animal movement may save the planet more

geese flying


January 01, 2024

Studie beweist: Wildgänse lange gestresst von Silvesternacht more

pink flowers


November 15, 2023

Die Kunst der Tiere more

Martin Wikelski


November 14, 2023

Wissen Tiere mehr als wir? more

IEEE Spectrum

Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology Steps Up more

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