Das Team der Abteilung für Tierwanderungen

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Brigitta Keeves-von Wolff
Special Project Coordinator
  • +49 7531 94505 22
Konstanz - Bücklestraße
Sabine Knopf
Assistant to the Director
  • +49 7732 1501 25
Dr. Jens Koblitz
Affiliated Scientist
Dr. Jenna Kohles
IMPRS Alumni, Postdoc
Dr. Andrea Kölzsch
Affiliated Scientist
Radboud University
Dr. Gisela Kopp
Affiliated Scientist, IMPRS Faculty
University of Konstanz
Dr. Robert Kraus
Guest Scientist
Monika Krome
Technical Assistant
  • +49 7732 1501-20
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