Publikationen von Jakob Kiepenheuer

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.; Neumann, M. F.; Streng, A.: Homing experiments with starlings deprived of the sense of smell. The Condor 97 (1), S. 20 - 26 (1995)
Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.: Relationships between initial orientation and subsequent homing of individual pigeons. Animal Behaviour 47 (4), S. 821 - 832 (1994)
Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.; Streng, A.: The role of visual familiarity with the landscape in pigeon homing. Ethology 97 (1-2), S. 1 - 25 (1994)
Kiepenheuer, J.; Neumann, M. F.; Wallraff, H. G.: Home-related and home-independent orientation of displaced pigeons with and without olfactory access to environmental air. Animal Behaviour 45 (1), S. 169 - 182 (1993)
Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.; Streng, A.: Further experiments on olfactory navigation and non-olfactory pilotage by homing pigeons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 32 (6), S. 387 - 390 (1993)
Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.; Neumann, M. F.; Sinsch, U.: Microclimatic origin of inhaled air affects olfactory navigation of homing pigeons. Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 48 (11-12), S. 1153 - 1158 (1992)
Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.: Migracion y orientacion en aves: Observaciones en otofio en el suroeste de Europa. Ardeola 8, S. 19 - 40 (1962)
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