Publikationen des MPI für Verhaltensbiologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (1601)

Curk, T.; Rast, W.; Portas, R.; Kohles, J. E.; Shatumbu, G.; Cloete, C.; Curk, T.; Radchuk, V.; Aschenborn, O.; Melzheimer, J.: Advantages and disadvantages of using social information for carcass detection-A case study using white-backed vultures. Ecological Modelling 499, 110941 (2025)
Davidson, S. C.; Cagnacci, F.; Newman, P.; Dettki, H.; Urbano, F.; Desmet, P.; Bajona, L.; Bryant, E.; Carneiro, A. P. B.; Dias, M. P. et al.; Fujioka, E.; Gambin, D.; Hoenner, X.; Hunter, C.; Kato, A.; Kot, C. Y.; Kranstauber, B.; Lam, C. H.; Lepage, D.; Naik, H.; Pye, J. D.; Sequeira, A. M. M.; Tsontos, V. M.; van Loon, E.; Vo, D.; Rutz, C.: Establishing bio-logging data collections as dynamic archives of animal life on Earth. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2025)
de Wit, L. A.; Akre, K. L.; O'Mara, M. T.; Flanders, J.; Nakamoto, M.; Frick, W. F.: Co-benefits from species-level conservation contribute to multilateral environmental agreement targets. Conservation Letters 18 (1), e13072 (2025)
Duque, M. A. B.; Thomas, W. R.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Nieland, J.; Baldoni, C.; von Elverfeldt, D.; Muturi, M.; Corthals, A. P.; Dávalos, L. M.: Gene expression comparisons between captive and wild shrew brains reveal captivity effects. Biology Letters 21 (1), 20240478 (2025)
Fluhr, J.; Duriez, O.; Blary, C.; Chambert, T.; Almasi, B.; Byholm, P.; Buitendijk, N.; Champagnon, J.; Dagys, M.; Fiedler, W. et al.; Francesiaz, C.; Jiguet, F.; Lee, S.; Millon, A.; Monti, F.; Morcelet, L.; Nathan, R.; Nolet, B.; Nuijten, R.; Pilard, P.; Ponchon, C.; Roulin, A.; Santos, C. D.; Spiegel, O.; Schalcher, K.; De Seynes, A.; Spanoghe, G.; Wikelski, M.; Žydelis, R.; Besnard, A.: Eoldist, a web application for estimating cautionary detection distance of birds by automatic detection systems to reduce collisions with wind turbines. Wind Energy 28 (2), e2971 (2025)
Griesser, M.; Bennett, N. C.; Burkart, J. M.; Hart, D. W.; Uomini, N.; Warrington, M. H.: The power of caring touch: from survival to prosocial cooperation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2025)
Hurme, E.; Lenzi, I.; Wikelski, M.; Wild, T. A.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Bats surf storm fronts during spring migration. Science 387 (6729), S. 97 - 102 (2025)
Kukofka, P.; Young, R.; Kunz, J. A.; Nellissen, L.; Alavi, S. E.; Rahmaeti, T.; Basalamah, F.; Haun, D.B.M.; Schuppli, C.: The development of social attention in orangutans: Comparing peering behavior in wild and zoo-housed individuals. iScience 28 (1), 111542 (2025)
Lauer, P.; Chapman, C. A.; Omeja, P.; Rothman, J. M.; Kalbitzer, U.: A long-term study on food choices and nutritional goals of a leaf-eating primate. Ecosphere 16 (1), e70162 (2025)
Lötters, S.; Böning, P.; Bailon, S.; Castañeda, J. D. B.; Boistel, R.; Catenazzi, A.; Chaparro, J. C.; Chávez, G.; Chujutalli, A.; Coen, L. et al.; Coloma, L. A.; Crawford, A. J.; Culebras, J.; Martínez, J. C. C.; Daza, J. M.; Riva, I. D. L.; Ellwein, D. J.; Ernst, R.; Flechas, S. V.; Fouquet, A.; Guayasamin, J. M.; Heine, C.; Jorge, R. F.; Jung, A.; Jungfer, K.-H.; Kaffenberger, N.; Krehenwinkel, H.; Marca, E. L.; Lampo, M.; Rangel Guido F., M.; Orsen, L.; Paluh, D. J.; Gonzalez, J. L. P.; Perrin, J.; Riera, A. B. Q.; Reyes-Puig, J. P.; Ross, B. R.-R.; Rößler, D. C.; Solano, L. A. R.; Salazar-Valenzuela, D.; Vazquez, J. C. S.; Sowinski, M.; Terán-Valdez, A.; Tovar-Ortiz, A.; Veith, M.; Venegas, P.; von May, R.; Weitkamp, T.; Plewnia, A.: A roadmap for harlequin frog systematics, with a partial revision of Amazonian species related to Atelopus spumarius. Zootaxa 5571 (1), S. 1 - 76 (2025)
Montenegro, V. M.; Mateo-Tomás, P.; Schneider, J.; Dent, D. H.; Crowther, T.; Bello, C.: Linking functional traits to trophic roles in scavenger assemblages. Ecology and Evolution 15 (1), e70485 (2025)
Oehler, F.; Hagen, R.; Hackländer, K.; Walton, Z.; Ashish, K.; Arnold, J.: How do red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) explore their environment? Characteristics of movement patterns in time and space. BMC Movement Ecology 13 (1), 4 (2025)
Weissensteiner, M. H.; Delmore, K.; Peona, V.; Ramos, J. S. L.; Arnaud, G.; Blas, J.; Faivre, B.; Pokrovsky, I.; Wikelski, M.; Partecke, J. et al.; Liedvogel, M.: Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidate for genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution 15 (1), e70800 (2025)
Acácio, M.; Gahm, K.; Anglister, N.; Vaadia, G.; Hatzofe, O.; Harel, R.; Efrat, R.; Nathan, R.; Pinter-Wollman, N.; Spiegel, O.: Behavioral plasticity shapes population aging patterns in a long- lived avian scavenger. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (35), e2407298121 (2024)
Aikens, E. O.; Nourani, E.; Fiedler, W.; Wikelski, M.; Flack, A.: Learning shapes the development of migratory behavior. PNAS 121 (12), e2306389121 (2024)
Albery, G. F.; Webber, Q. M. R.; Farine, D. R.; Picardi, S.; Vander Wal, E.; Manlove, K. R.: Expanding theory, methodology and empirical systems at the spatial–social interface. Philosophical Transactions B 379 (1912), 20220534 (2024)
Allan, A. T. L.; LaBarge, L. R.; Bailey, A. L.; Jones, B.; Mason, Z.; Pinfield, T.; Schroeder, F.; Whitaker, A.; White, A. F.; Wilkinson, H. et al.; Hill, R. A.: Behavioural compatibility, not fear, best predicts the looking patterns of chacma baboons. Communications Biology 7 (1), 980 (2024)
Amichay, G.; Li, L.; Nagy, M.; Couzin, I. D.: Revealing the mechanism and function underlying pairwise temporal coupling in collective motion. Nature Communications 15 (1), 4356 (2024)
Antonic, N.; Zakir, R.; Dorigo, M.; Reina, A.: Collective robustness of heterogeneous decision-makers against stubborn individuals. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, S. 68 - 77 (2024)
Bak-Coleman, J.; Devezer, B.: Claims about scientific rigour require rigour. Nature Human Behaviour (2024)
Becker, D. J.; Dyer, K. E.; Lock, L. R.; Olbrys, B. L.; Pladas, S. A.; Sukhadia, A. A.; Demory, B.; Batista, J. M. N.; Pineda, M.; Simmons, N. B. et al.; Adams, A. M.; Frick, W. F.; O'Mara, M. T.; Volokhov, D. V.: Geographically widespread and novel hemotropic mycoplasmas and bartonellae in Mexican free-tailed bats and sympatric North American bat species. mSphere (2024)
Behringer, V.; Deimel, C.; Ostner, J.; Fruth, B.; Sonnweber, R.: Modulation of cell-mediated immunity during pregnancy in wild bonobos. Biology Letters 20 (3), 20230548 (2024)
Behringer, V.; Sonnweber, R.; Hohmann, G.; Stevens, J. M. G.; Verspeek, J.; Kivell, T. L.: A non-invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX-I as a bone resorption marker through long-bone growth velocity in bonobos. Ecology and Evolution 14 (9), e70326 (2024)
Behringer, V.; Sonnweber, R.; Hohmann, G.; Stevens, J. M. G.; Verspeek, J.; Kivell, T. L.: A non-invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX-I as a bone resorption marker through long-bone growth velocity in bonobos. Ecology and Evolution 14 (9), e70326 (2024)
Bello, C.; Crowther, T. W.; Ramos, D. L.; Morán-López, T.; Pizo, M. A.; Dent, D. H.: Frugivores enhance potential carbon recovery in fragmented landscapes. Nature Climate Change 14, S. 636 - 643 (2024)
Bello, C.; Dent, D. H.; Crowther, T. W.: Animals in restoration to achieve climate biodiversity targets. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39 (11), S. 979 - 982 (2024)
Ben Mocha, Y.; Frisoni, F.; Keynan, O.; Griesser, M.: Proto-tool use for food processing in wild Arabian babblers: matching processing methods, substrates and prey types. Animal Cognition 27 (1), 35 (2024)
Bessone, M.; Kühl, H. S.; Herbinger, I.; Hohmann, G.; N'Goran, K. P.; Asanzi, P.; Blake, S.; Basele, M.; Bofeko, M.; Bondjengo, N. et al.; Bondo, P. W.; Booto, R.; da Costa, P. B.; Dérozier, V.; Emetshu, M.; Fotsing, E. D. B.; Grossmann, F.; Guislain, P.; Hart, J.; Ikembelo, B. B.; Iyomi, M. D.; Inogwabini, B. I.; Intamba, O.; Iyatshi, I. B.; Kafando, P.; Kambere, M. A.; Katembo, J. L. K.; Kukumanga, J. K.; Liengola, I.; Maisels, F.; Maliva, F.; Manala, M.; Matungila, S.; Mbende, M.; Mbenga, J. A. D.; Moundzoho, D. B.; Musenzi, P. P.; Mwanduko, S.; Naky, P.; Ngomo, M.; Nkumu, P. M.; Ratsina, R.; Reinartz, G. E.; Sop, T.; Strindberg, S.; Vosper, A.; Musubaho, L. K. W.; Fruth, B.: Bonobo (Pan paniscus) density and distribution in Central Africa's largest rainforest reserve: long-term survey data show pitfalls in methodological approaches and call for vigilance. International Journal of Primatology (2024)
Bickel, B.; Giraud, A.-L.; Zuberbuehler, K.; van Schaik, C. P.: Language follows a distinct mode of extra-genomic evolution. Physics of Life Reviews 50, S. 211 - 225 (2024)
Biricik, M.; Safi, K.; Turğa, Ş.: Remote sensing data reveal a significant reduction in the area of the nesting habitat of Rafetus euphraticus in the Tigris River, southeastern Turkey. Ecology and Evolution 14 (12), e70691 (2024)
Blake, S.; Cabrera, F.; Cruz, S.; Ellis-Soto, D.; Yackulic, C. B.; Bastille-Rousseau, G.; Wikelski, M.; Kuemmeth, F.; Gibbs, J. P.; Deem, S. L.: Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises. Ecological Monographs 94 (2), e1599 (2024)
Blake, S.; Cabrera, F.; Rivas-Torres, G.; Deem, S. L.; Nieto-Claudin, A.; Zahawi, R. A.; Bastille-Rousseau, G.: Invasion by Cedrela odorata threatens long distance migration of Galapagos tortoises. Ecology and Evolution 14 (2), e10994 (2024)
Bliard, L.; Dufour, P.; Griesser, M.; Covas, R.: Family living and cooperative breeding in birds are associated with the number of avian predators. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 78 (7), S. 1317 - 1324 (2024)
Bokaba, R. P.; Dermauw, V.; Morar-Leather, D.; Dorny, P.; van Schalkwyk, O. L.; Neves, L.: An investigation into Toxoplasma gondii at the human livestock-wildlife interface, South Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 91 (1), a2130 (2024)
Bose, A. P. H.; Brodin, T.; Katongo, C.; Mabo, L.; Jordan, A.: How can we measure resource quality when resources differ in many ways? Deconstructing shelter quality in a social fish. Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), e70146 (2024)
Brandl, H. B.; Abdu, S.; Farine, D. R.: Experimental manipulation of food availability and macroparasite prevalence reveal differential effects on space use in wild rodents. Journal of Animal Ecology 93 (6), S. 650 - 653 (2024)
Brandl, H. B.; Farine, D. R.: Stress in the social environment: behavioural and social consequences of stress transmission in bird flocks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291 (2034), 20241961 (2024)
Bronnvik, H.; Nourani, E.; Fiedler, W.; Flack, A.: Experience reduces route selection for conspecifics by the collectively migrating white stork. Current Biology 34 (9), S. 2030 - 2037 (2024)
Burton, A. C.; Beirne, C.; Gaynor, K. M.; Sun, C.; Granados, A.; Allen, M. L.; Alston, J. M.; Alvarenga, G. C.; Calderón, F. S. Á.; Amir, Z. et al.; Anhalt-Depies, C.; Appel, C.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Balme, G.; Bar-Massada, A.; Barcelos, D.; Barr, E.; Barthelmess, E. L.; Baruzzi, C.; Basak, S. M.; Beenaerts, N.; Belmaker, J.; Belova, O.; Bezarević, B.; Bird, T.; Bogan, D. A.; Bogdanović, N.; Boyce, A.; Boyce, M.; Brandt, L.; Brodie, J. F.; Brooke, J.; Bubnicki, J. W.; Cagnacci, F.; Carr, B. S.; Carvalho, J.; Casaer, J.; Černe, R.; Chen, R.; Chow, E.; Churski, M.; Cincotta, C.; Ćirović, D.; Coates, T. D.; Compton, J.; Coon, C.; Cove, M. V.; Crupi, A. P.; Farra, S. D.; Darracq, A. K.; Davis, M.; Dawe, K.; De Waele, V.; Descalzo, E.; Diserens, T. A.; Drimaj, J.; Duľa, M.; Ellis-Felege, S.; Ellison, C.; Ertürk, A.; Fantle-Lepczyk, J.; Favreau, J.; Fennell, M.; Ferreras, P.; Ferretti, F.; Fiderer, C.; Finnegan, L.; Fisher, J. T.; Fisher-Reid, M. C.; Flaherty, E. A.; Fležar, U.; Flousek, J.; Foca, J. M.; Ford, A.; Franzetti, B.; Frey, S.; Fritts, S.; Frýbová, Š.; Furnas, B.; Gerber, B.; Geyle, H. M.; Giménez, D. G.; Giordano, A. J.; Gomercic, T.; Gompper, M. E.; Gräbin, D. M.; Gray, M.; Green, A.; Hagen, R.; Hammerich, S.; Hanekom, C.; Hansen, C.; Hasstedt, S.; Hebblewhite, M.; Heurich, M.; Hofmeester, T. R.; Hubbard, T.; Jachowski, D.; Jansen, P. A.; Jaspers, K. J.; Jensen, A.; Jordan, M.; Kaizer, M. C.; Kelly, M. J.; Kohl, M. T.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Krofel, M.; Krug, A.; Kuhn, K. M.; Kuijper, D. P. J.; Kuprewicz, E. K.; Kusak, J.; Kutal, M.; Lafferty, D. J. R.; LaRose, S.; Lashley, M.; Lathrop, R.; Lee, T. E.; Lepczyk, C.; Lesmeister, D. B.; Licoppe, A.; Linnell, M.; Loch, J.; Long, R.; Lonsinger, R. C.; Louvrier, J.; Luskin, M. S.; MacKay, P.; Maher, S.; Manet, B.; Mann, G. K. H.; Marshall, A. J.; Mason, D.; McDonald, Z.; McKay, T.; McShea, W. J.; Mechler, M.; Miaud, C.; Millspaugh, J. J.; Monteza-Moreno, C. M.; Moreira-Arce, D.; Mullen, K.; Nagy, C.; Naidoo, R.; Namir, I.; Nelson, C.; O’Neill, B.; O'Mara, M. T.; Oberosler, V.; Osorio, C.; Ossi, F.; Palencia, P.; Pearson, K.; Pedrotti, L.; Pekins, C. E.; Pendergast, M.; Pinho, F. F.; Plhal, R.; Pocasangre-Orellana, X.; Price, M.; Procko, M.; Proctor, M. D.; Ramalho, E. E.; Ranc, N.; Reljic, S.; Remine, K.; Rentz, M.; Revord, R.; Reyna-Hurtado, R.; Risch, D.; Ritchie, E. G.; Romero, A.; Rota, C.; Rovero, F.; Rowe, H.; Rutz, C.; Salvatori, M.; Sandow, D.; Schalk, C. M.; Scherger, J.; Schipper, J.; Scognamillo, D. G.; Şekercioğlu, Ç. H.; Semenzato, P.; Sevin, J.; Shamon, H.; Shier, C.; Silva-Rodríguez, E. A.; Sindicic, M.; Smyth, L. K.; Soyumert, A.; Sprague, T.; St. Clair, C. C.; Stenglein, J.; Stephens, P. A.; Stępniak, K. M.; Stevens, M.; Stevenson, C.; Ternyik, B.; Thomson, I.; Torres, R. T.; Tremblay, J.; Urrutia, T.; Vacher, J.-P.; Visscher, D.; Webb, S. L.; Weber, J.; Weiss, K. C. B.; Whipple, L. S.; Whittier, C. A.; Whittington, J.; Wierzbowska, I.; Wikelski, M.; Williamson, J.; Wilmers, C. C.; Windle, T.; Wittmer, H. U.; Zharikov, Y.; Zorn, A.; Kays, R.: Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (5), S. 924 - 935 (2024)
Calderón-Capote, M. C.; van Toor, M. L.; O'Mara, M. T.; Bayer, T. D.; Crofoot, M. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Consistent long-distance foraging flights across years and seasons at colony level in a neotropical bat. Biology Letters 20 (12), 20240424 (2024)
Camerlenghi, E.; Nolazco, S.; Farine, D. R.; Magrath, R. D.; Peters, A.: Social restructuring during harsh environmental conditions promotes cooperative behaviour in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences (London) 291, 20232427 (2024)
Catitti, B.; Grüebler, M. U.; Farine, D. R.; Kormann, U. G.: Natal legacies cause social and spatial marginalization during dispersal. Ecology Letters 27 (2), e14366 (2024)
Chao, L.-M.; Couzin, I. D.; Li, L.: On turning maneuverability in self-propelled burst-and-coast swimming. Physics of Fluids 36 (11), 111918 (2024)
Chao, L.-M.; Jia, L.; Li, L.: Tailbeat perturbations improve swimming efficiency in self-propelled flapping foils. The Journal of Fluid Mechanics 984, a46 (2024)
Chao, L.-M.; Jia, L.; Wang, S.; Liberzon, A.; Ravi, S.; Couzin, I. D.; Li, L.: Tailbeat perturbations improve swimming efficiency by reducing the phase lag between body motion and the resulting fluid response. PNAS Nexus 3 (3), pgae073 (2024)
Cheng, T. L.; Bennett, A. B.; O'Mara, M. T.; Auteri, G. G.; Frick, W. F.: Persist or perish: Can bats threatened with extinction persist and recover from white-nose syndrome? Integrative and Comparative Biology, icae018 (2024)
Chimento, M.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Aplin, L. M.: Immigrant birds learn from socially observed differences in payoffs when their environment changes. PLOS Biology 22 (11), e3002699 (2024)
Chimento, M.; Aplin, L. M.: Understanding the role of naive learners in cultural change. American Naturalist 203 (6), S. 695 - 712 (2024)
Chimento, M.; Farine, D. R.: The contribution of movement to social network structure and spreading dynamics under simple and complex transmission. Philosophical Transactions B 379 (1912), 20220524 (2024)
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