Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior About Us People People at the MPI of Animal Behavior A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All NameEmailPhoneLinksDr. Gabriella GallPostdocgabriella.gall@ab.mpg.deRoberto GarzaIMPRS Doctoral Student, IMPRS Student Councilrgarza@ab.mpg.deCornelia 7732 1501-76Dr. Patrizia Isabelle GlickGuest Scientist, Postdocpglick@ab.mpg.deJennifer GolbolWelcome Officerjgolbol@ab.mpg.deZoë GoldsboroughIMPRS Doctoral Studentzgoldsborough@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesPersonal Website Dr. Aya GoldshteinPostdocagoldshtein@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesMSc Mariana Gómez MuñozField TechnicianDr. Dan 7531 88-5163Publication ReferencesKenneth GoveasCoordinator Tag Developmentkgoveas@ab.mpg.deDr. Nico GradwohlPostdocnico.gradwohl@uni-konstanz.deDr. Jacob M. GravingIMPRS Alumni, Research Scientistjgraving@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesPersonal Twitter DeepPoseKit Ryan GreenwayTroels GregersenGuest Scientisttgregersen@ab.mpg.dePD Dr. Michael GriesserAffiliated Scientist, IMPRS Facultymichael.griesser@uni-konstanz.dePublication ReferencesEmily GroutIMPRS Doctoral Student, IMPRS Student Representativeegrout@ab.mpg.deMy Project Page Dr. Richard GunnerPostdocrgunner@ab.mpg.dePublication ReferencesMathias GüntherImaging Facility