People at the MPI of Animal Behavior

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Prof. Dr. Armin Bahl
Affiliated Scientist, IMPRS Faculty
Prof. Dr. Franz Bairlein
Max Planck Fellow
Dr. Cecilia Baldoni
IMPRS Alumni, Postdoc
Nadia Balduccio
IMPRS Doctoral Student
Dr. Brendan Barrett
  • +49 7531 9450552
Katrin Behn
HR Officer
  • +49 7732 1501-55
  • +49 7531 94505-13
Sarah Berg
Assistant to the Head of Administration
Iris Bernstein
Technical Assistant
Ing. Clément Berthelot
Doctoral Student
Prof. Dr. Peter Berthold
  • +49 7732 1501-10
Leonardo Berton
Field team
Dr. Mattia Bessone
Julie Beyer
IMPRS Assistant to the Coordinator, Welcome Officer
  • 49 7531 88-5146 (Mon)
  • +49 7732-1501-19 (Thu)
Nirmala Bhaskar
Trainee for office management
Prof. Dr. Murat Biricik
Research Scientist
Prof. Dr. Stephen Blake
Affiliated Scientist
Dr. Lena Bohn
IMPRS Coordinator
  • Bücklestrasse: +49 (0) 075319450513 (Mon & Wed)
  • Konstanz: +49 (0) 7531884959 (Tue & Fri)
  • Radolfzell: +49 (0) 7732-1501-38 (Thu)
Dr. Natalia Borrego
Hester Brønnvik
IMPRS Doctoral Student
  • +49 7531 9450524
Alexander Bruttel
Technical Assistant
  • + 49 7531 88-4906
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