Field Trip

A transdisciplinary residency program between Akademie Schloss Solitude and Max Planck Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies

Akademie Schloss Solitude and the Max Planck Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies (EAS) have established a residency program to foster interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and perspectives between the arts and sciences. Since 2022, “Field trip” offers an adventure of going to a new place, an experience of being in a different environment and an opportunity to experiment with ideas. The philosophy of this exchange is to motivate practices of mutual knowledge creation and dissemination through the lens of multiple epistemologies and different perspectives.

Idea of the bilateral residency program

The unique program offers artists the opportunity to engage with the researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and participate in everyday routines of scientific research. Selected fellows are invited to join scientists from the Department EAS on a six-week »Field Trip« to their working site. For the duration of the residency, the fellow has the status of a guest researcher and the chance to interact with scientists, attend daily field work and to be part of group discussions. As a continuation of the artistic-scientific exchange, a researcher from the Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies together with the fellow spends six weeks at Akademie Schloss Solitude. Since its inception, the »Field trip« collaboration has manifested through a diverse range of transdisciplinary projects, exchange formats, and events at Akademie Schloss Solitude and at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior.


The current open call for the »Field Trip« residency, including further information on the requirements and benefits can be found here. For any questions regarding the residency program, please contact Carla Avolio


Field Trip fellows have produced a diverse range of transdisciplinary projects, exchange formats, and events. more


Projects from Field Trip connected with the public in Konstanz and Stuttgart more


About the Akademie Schloss Solitude

Akademie Schloss Solitude is an international fellowship program that supports young
artists in the fields of architecture, visual arts, performing arts, design, literature,
music/sound, time-based as well as web-based media. Since 1990, more than 1,750 fellows
from over 120 countries have used the Akademie to realize and develop their artistic work
and projects. In the framework of the program art, science & business, the Akademie has also
been promoting the interdisciplinary dialog between the fields of exact sciences, humanities
and economic sciences since 2002. It is internationally regarded as an important and
innovative funding institution supporting young artists. You can find more information about
Akademie Schloss Solitude here.

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