Field Trip Fellows

The artists and scientists of the residency program between Akademie Schloss Solitude and Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

Selected fellows of the Field Trip program have produced a diverse range of transdisciplinary projects, exchange formats, and events at the Akademie in Stuttgart and at the Max Planck in Konstanz.


Simar Preet Kaur


Author Simar Preet Kaur joined the team of project MELA (Mating Ecologies of a Lek-breeding Antelope) from Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior at Tal Chhapar Sanctuary in India, and encountered, first-hand, the challenges unique to their fieldwork. The resulting short story – part fable, part journal – features a heavily anthropomorphised blackbuck and scientists who turn into birds, reptiles, felines and whatnots. It carries forward the discourse between art and science by flipping perspectives – by introducing a narrator who happens to be an animal observing humans out to study animal behavior.


Vivek Hari Sridhar


Biomes – including forests, marine environments, grasslands, deserts – are large geographic areas characterized by certain types of plants, animals, and climatic conditions. The researcher Vivek Hari Sridhar shines the spotlight on one of most neglected and under-appreciated biomes: the grasslands. In India, this biome faces significant conservation challenges despite its ecological and social importance.

Together with sound artist Eduardo Noya Schreus, Vivek developed a work which consists of cyanotypes of grassland species and sound art based on scientific data to highlight the richness and importance of this ecosystem in India.


Yashas Shetty


As part of his “Field Trip” fellowship, artist Yashas Shetty invited a group of musicians to explore the scientific sound archive of the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior in Konstanz. The various contributions, ranging from textural ambient explorations to field-recording-infused dancefloor tools, are brought together on a vinyl pressing.


Hemal Naik

“Encounters with the Wild”

“Encounters With the Wild” is a collection of stories by scientist Hemal Naik that explores the deep, historical relationships between humans and wildlife in remote regions of India. As a humble attempt at exploring the art of oral storytelling, “Encounters With the Wild” is an attempt to capture new stories motivated by observing the day-to-day interactions between different plants, animals, and humans. Drawing from local folklore, the experiences of forest guards, and insights gained during fieldwork, Hemal offers a unique perspective on life in Gujarat and Rajasthan, sharing the wisdom and anecdotes of the people he met during his travels.


Helene Sommer

“Effigy of the Beast”

“Effigy of the Beast” (2022-2024) is an ongoing video project by visual artist Helene Sommer that deals with the complex relationship we have with non-human animals. The project revolves around a series of conversations with scientists and documentation from field and laboratory work at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Germany. Helene’s interest was primarily in how the scientists relate to the animals and why, with a desire to understand the mechanisms and structures underlying their choices, and furthermore the mechanisms of knowledge production. The material is placed in conjunction with imagery that highlights the many-faceted roles animals have played in individual and collective narrative and storytelling.

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