Ecology of Animal Societies Publications
Journal Article (203)
Journal Article
121 (35), e2407298121 (2024)
Behavioral plasticity shapes population aging patterns in a long- lived avian scavenger. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2.
Journal Article
20 (3), 20230548 (2024)
Modulation of cell-mediated immunity during pregnancy in wild bonobos. Biology Letters 3.
Journal Article
14 (9), e70326 (2024)
A non-invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX-I as a bone resorption marker through long-bone growth velocity in bonobos. Ecology and Evolution 4.
Journal Article
14 (9), e70326 (2024)
A non-invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX-I as a bone resorption marker through long-bone growth velocity in bonobos. Ecology and Evolution 5.
Journal Article
14, pp. 636 - 643 (2024)
Frugivores enhance potential carbon recovery in fragmented landscapes. Nature Climate Change 6.
Journal Article
39 (11), pp. 979 - 982 (2024)
Animals in restoration to achieve climate biodiversity targets. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7.
Journal Article
8 (5), pp. 924 - 935 (2024)
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8.
Journal Article
The sociality of sleep in animal groups. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
The sociality of sleep in animal groups. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
Multifaceted density dependence: Social structure and seasonality effects on Serengeti lion demography. Journal of Animal Ecology (2024)
Journal Article
227 (12), jeb247061 (2024)
Eye-specific detection and a multi-eye integration model of biological motion perception. The Journal of Experimental Biology 12.
Journal Article
11 (7), 240597 (2024)
An early-life challenge: becoming an older sibling in wild mandrills. Royal Society Open Science 13.
Journal Article
379 (1905), 20230188 (2024)
Mapping vocal interactions in space and time differentiates signal broadcast versus signal exchange in meerkat groups. Philosophical Transactions B 14.
Journal Article
56 (1), pp. 36 - 49 (2024)
Incomplete recovery of tree community composition and rare species after 120 years of tropical forest succession in Panama. Biotropica 15.
Journal Article
17 (2), e13007 (2024)
Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment. Conservation Letters 16.
Journal Article
11 (6), 240161 (2024)
Nut-cracking success and efficiency in two wild capuchin monkey populations. Royal Society Open Science 17.
Journal Article
5 (2024)
The crossroads of tradition and modern technology: Integrative approaches to studying carnivores in low density ecosystems. Frontiers in Conservation Science 18.
Journal Article
15 (1), 4942 (2024)
Revealing principles of autonomous thermal soaring in windy conditions using vulture-inspired deep reinforcement-learning. Nature Communications 19.
Journal Article
56 (3), e13315 (2024)
Niche expansion of capuchin monkeys to forest floor on guild-reduced islands increases interspecific spatio-temporal overlap. Biotropica 20.
Journal Article
11 (8), 240114 (2024)
Exposure to calls before hatching affects the post-hatching behaviour of domestic chickens. Royal Society Open Science 21.
Journal Article
86 (4), e23594 (2024)
Male-biased stone tool use by wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator). American Journal of Primatology 22.
Journal Article
14 (1), 1213 (2024)
Explicit discrimination and ingroup favoritism, but no implicit biases in hypothetical triage decisions during COVID-19. Scientific Reports 23.
Journal Article
216, pp. 175 - 193 (2024)
Whole group tracking reveals that relatedness drives consistent subgrouping patterns in white-nosed coatis. Animal Behaviour 24.
Journal Article
14 (6), e11574 (2024)
Crop use structures resource selection strategies for African elephants in a human-dominated landscape. Ecology and Evolution 25.
Journal Article
14 (7), e11666 (2024)
Exploring temporal activity of dholes, their prey, and competitors in East Java, Indonesia. Ecology and Evolution 26.
Journal Article
291 (2023), 20240138 (2024)
Smarter foragers do not forage smarter: a test of the diet hypothesis for brain expansion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 27.
Journal Article
54, e03075 (2024)
Parks can effectively protect ungulates and elephants despite a constant poaching threat. Global Ecology and Conservation 28.
Journal Article
27 (5), e14443 (2024)
A new approach to geostatistical synthesis of historical records reveals capuchin spatial responses to climate and demographic change. Ecology Letters 29.
Journal Article
45, pp. 213 - 245 (2024)
The importance of representative sampling for home range estimation in field primatology. International Journal of Primatology 30.
Journal Article
14 (5), e11374 (2024)
Elusive mustelids-18 months in the search of near-threatened stoat (Mustela erminea) and weasel (M. nivalis) reveals low captures. Ecology and Evolution 31.
Journal Article
291 (2034), p. 20241330 (2024)
Sharing sleeping sites disrupts sleep but catalyses social tolerance and coordination between groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 32.
Journal Article
56 (4) (2024)
Tropical timber plantations as habitat for ground-dwelling mammals: A camera-trapping assessment in Central Panama. Biotropica 33.
Journal Article
78 (2), 17 (2024)
Carcass provisioning and intra-guild risk avoidance between two sympatric large carnivores. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34.
Journal Article
14 (5), e11329 (2024)
Disturbance sensitivity shapes patterns of tree species distribution in Afrotropical lowland rainforests more than climate or soil. Ecology and Evolution 35.
Journal Article
Preliminary isotopic assessment of weaning in bonobos shows evidence for extended nursing, sibling competition and invested first-time mothers. American Journal of Primatology, e23678 (2024)
Journal Article
65, pp. 145 - 150 (2024)
Water scooping: tool use by a wild bonobo (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale, a case report. Primates 37.
Journal Article
8, pp. 972 - 985 (2024)
Social and environmental transmission spread different sets of gut microbes in wild mice. Nature Ecology & Evolution 38.
Journal Article
12 (1), 44 (2024)
How to treat mixed behavior segments in supervised machine learning of behavioural modes from inertial measurement data. BMC Movement Ecology 39.
Journal Article
More sleep for behavioral ecologists. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology (2024)
Journal Article
65 (2), pp. 75 - 80 (2024)
Stillbirth of a mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) in the wild: perinatal behaviors and delivery sequences. Primates 41.
Journal Article
Multidimensional social influence drives leadership and composition-dependent success in octopus–fish hunting groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
8 (11), pp. 2072 - 2084 (2024)
Multidimensional social influence drives leadership and composition-dependent success in octopus–fish hunting groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution 43.
Journal Article
76, pp. 119 - 132 (2024)
Impacts of COVID-19 on biodiversity conservation and community networks at Kibale National Park, Uganda. The Professional Geographer 44.
Journal Article
Short QT intervals in African lions. Experimental Physiology (2024)
Journal Article
293, 110525 (2024)
Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale. Biological Conservation 46.
Journal Article
78, 45 (2024)
Daily ranging and den usage patterns structure the spatiotemporal properties of social encounters in spotted hyenas. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 47.
Journal Article
14 (1), 10415 (2024)
Wild capuchin monkeys use stones and sticks to access underground food. Scientific Reports 48.
Journal Article
99 (3), pp. 928 - 949 (2024)
Feedback loops drive ecological succession: towards a unified conceptual framework. Biological Reviews 49.
Journal Article
33 (8), 13856 (2024)
Tropical forest succession increases taxonomic and functional tree richness but decreases evenness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 50.
Journal Article
3D-MuPPET: 3D Multi-Pigeon Pose Estimation and Tracking. International Journal of Computer Vision (2024)