The Flack Flock

Publications of Claudia Ramenda

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Arnold, F.; Staniszewski, M. S.; Pelzl, L.; Ramenda, C.; Gahr, M.; Hoffmann, S.: Vision and vocal communication guide three-dimensional spatial coordination of zebra finches during wind-tunnel flights. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, pp. 1221 - 1230 (2022)
Journal Article
Rose, K. A. R.; Wilson, R. P.; Ramenda, C.; Robotka, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E.: Wake respirometry allows breath-by-breath assessment of ventilation and CO2 production in unrestrained animals. iScience 25 (9), 104878 (2022)
Journal Article
Dittrich, F.; Ramenda, C.; Grillitsch, D.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Ko, M.-C.; Hertel, M.; Goymann, W.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Regulatory mechanisms of testosterone-stimulated song in the sensorimotor nucleus HVC of female songbirds. BMC Neuroscience 15 (1), 128 (2014)
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