Natural Herstory

Opening | Vernissage

  • Date: Jun 4, 2024
  • Time: 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: University of Konstanz
  • Room: in front of the Bibcafé
  • Host: Daniela Rößler & Nadja Geiger
Natural Herstory
Natural Herstory is a mixed media exhibition by Daniela Rößler & Nadja Geiger running from June 4 to 17 in front of the BibCafé at the University of Konstanz. The exhibition opens with an event on June 4th at 5pm, including a short talk by Prof. Dr. Barrett Klein.

This exhibition by Daniela Rößler & Nadja Geiger invites you to take a moment to connect with and observe the natural world. The photos and videos showcase animals in their natural habitat, just being, providing a calming and immersive experience.

Discover the intersection between nature, science and curiosity and in celebrating the female perspective. Daniela Rößler & Nadja Geiger dive into the Panamanian rainforest, highlighting inspiring women who study it and the diversity of animals living there as well their own research on spider sleep.

Opening | Vernissage: JUNE 04, 2024 5 PM

With a short talk by Prof. Dr. Barrett Klein

Natural Herstory a MIXED-MEDIA EXHIBITION by Daniela Rößler & Nadja Geiger runs from June 4-17 in front of the BibCafé at the University of Konstanz. Sponsored by the Zukunftskolleg.

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