Welcome week

Organisational information

  • Beginn: 04.10.2023
  • Ende: 06.10.2023
  • Ort: University of Konstanz
  • Raum: ZT1202
  • Gastgeber: Francisca and more...
  • Kontakt: imprs@uni-konstanz.de
Welcome week

During the welcome week, the IMPRS coordinator will present the program, curriculum and the must's from the University side.

The Welcome Officer of the MPI-AB will speak about the institute in general and the must's for applying for vacation, travel authorisations and much more.

The Institute Ombudsperson/Animal Facility and safety officer will present various topics and tour of permitted VCC facilities and Möggingen.

More details in the program sheet.

To provide graduate research students with an opportunity to build their understanding, skills and confidence in the key areas of communication, interpersonal relations, self-management, teamwork, decision-making and creative problem-solving in order to enhance their overall effectiveness as they pursue their research studies.

Zur Redakteursansicht