Publications of the Research Group of Integrative Behavioral Ecology
Journal Article (26)
Journal Article
14 (8), e70146 (2024)
How can we measure resource quality when resources differ in many ways? Deconstructing shelter quality in a social fish. Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
14 (6), e11406 (2024)
Differences in inhibitory control in two species of Tanganyikan bower-building cichlids contrasting in building flexibility. Ecology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
Neighbour-detection causes shifts in allocation across multiple organs to prepare plants for light competition. Functional Ecology (2024)
Journal Article
34 (4), pp. 673 - 681 (2023)
Aggression and spatial positioning of kin and non-kin fish in social groups. Behavioral Ecology 5.
Journal Article
20 (202), 20220866 (2023)
Modelling animal contests based on spatio-temporal dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6.
Journal Article
26, pp. 1959 - 1971 (2023)
Cognitive flexibility in a Tanganyikan bower-building cichlid, Aulonocranus dewindti. Animal Cognition 7.
Journal Article
31 (8), pp. 2418 - 2434 (2022)
Parentage analysis across age cohorts reveals sex differences in reproductive skew in a group-living cichlid fish, Neolamprologus multifasciatus. Molecular Ecology 8.
Journal Article
22 (1), 21 (2022)
Patterns of sex-biased dispersal are consistent with social and ecological constraints in a group-living cichlid fish. BMC Ecology and Evolution 9.
Journal Article
18 (1), 21 (2022)
Fast estimation of plant growth dynamics using deep neural networks. Plant Methods 10.
Journal Article
20 (2), e3001529 (2022)
Further evidence for the capacity of mirror self-recognition in cleaner fish and the significance of ecologically relevant marks. PLoS Biology 11.
Journal Article
289 (1874), 20220135 (2022)
Neural activity patterns differ between learning contexts in a social fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 12.
Journal Article
119 (33), e2204754119 (2022)
Regularly occurring bouts of retinal movements suggest an REM sleep-like state in jumping spiders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 13.
Journal Article
198 (2), pp. 313 - 316 (2021)
Expression of concern. American Naturalist 14.
Journal Article
182, pp. 91 - 105 (2021)
Female–female conflict is higher during periods of parental care in a group-living cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour 15.
Journal Article
2 (2), 100193 (2021)
Decontextualized learning for interpretable hierarchical representations of visual patterns. Patterns 16.
Journal Article
8, 695100 (2021)
Environmental reconstruction and tracking as methods to explore social interactions in marine environments: A test case with the Mediterranean rainbow wrasse Coris julis. Frontiers in Marine Science 17.
Journal Article
32 (5), pp. 826 - 834 (2021)
Social and spatial conflict drive resident aggression toward outsiders in a group-living fish. Behavioral Ecology 18.
Journal Article
118 (49), e2106269118 (2021)
Spatiotemporal dynamics of animal contests arise from effective forces between contestants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19.
Journal Article
127 (10), pp. 872 - 885 (2021)
On the importance of defendable resources for social evolution: Applying new techniques to a long-standing question. Ethology 20.
Journal Article
848, pp. 3699 - 3726 (2021)
Studying the evolution of social behaviour in one of Darwin's Dreamponds: a case for the Lamprologine shell-dwelling cichlids. Hydrobiologia