Publications of the Research Group of Causes, Mechanisms and Consequences of Songbird Migration
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
15 (1), e70800 (2025)
Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidate for genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
Migratory lifestyle carries no added overall energy cost in a partial migratory songbird. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
37 (7), pp. 1910 - 1921 (2023)
Energetics and fuel use vary with migration strategy across populations of Common Blackbirds. Functional Ecology 5.
Journal Article
11 (1), 13 (2023)
A multi-species evaluation of digital wildlife monitoring using the Sigfox IoT network. Animal Biotelemetry 6.
Journal Article
32 (20), pp. R1187 - R1199 (2022)
New frontiers in bird migration research. Current Biology 7.
Journal Article
13 (3), pp. 419 - 431 (2022)
The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8.
Journal Article
376 (1830), 20200213 (2021)
A songbird adjusts its heart rate and body temperature in response to season and fluctuating daily conditions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences