Madhansai Narisetty

IMPRS Doctoral Student
IMPRS Student Council

Main Focus

I am interested in studying desert locusts and investigating how environmental geometry influences the development of their social phenotypes. My research involves continuous experimental setups that utilize sophisticated motion-capturing technologies, combined with neurological and molecular-level analyses, to address fundamental questions in this field.

Curriculum Vitae

MSc BiologyEötvös Loránd University (ELTE) , Institute of Biology , Budapest , Hungary .   

Thesis supervisor: Prof.Dr.Arpad Dobolyi , Department of Physiology and Neurobiology , Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest , Hungary.

Bachelor of Technology - Bioinformatics - Vignan University (VFSTR) , Guntur, India.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Ambarish Kunwar, Lab of Biophysics and Computational biology , Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay(IIT-B), Mumbai , India.

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