Dr. Daniel Zuñiga

IMPRS Alumni

Curriculum Vitae

I am a veterinarian and wildlife researcher with expertise in animal health, welfare, and ecological studies. As a member of the veterinary team at the institute, my duties include overseeing health programs, welfare initiatives, and ensuring legal compliance in our bird and fish facilities. In my role as an Animal Welfare Officer (Tierschutzbeauftragter), I am responsible for facilitating animal experiment permits, providing scientific and legal guidance, and ensuring regulatory adherence.

I have extensive surgical experience and collaborate on research projects involving biotelemetry and hormonal implants to study energy expenditure, stress, and behavior in birds and mammals. Additionally, I support scientists in the field by ensuring safe wildlife capture and the chemical immobilization of mammals and birds.

My academic background includes a PhD in Ecology and Evolution, with a focus on blackbird migration. I bring a unique blend of veterinary and ecological expertise, bridging animal health and wildlife research.

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