Bat Island - A Rare Journey into the Hidden World of Tropical Bats

Webinar on new book, BAT ISLAND

  • Date: Dec 13, 2023
  • Time: 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Rachel Page, Dina Dechmann, Teague O’Mara and Marco Tschapka
  • Location: online
  • Room:
Bat Island - A Rare Journey into the Hidden World of Tropical Bats
We invite you to join photographer Christian Ziegler, and authors Rachel Page, Dina Dechmann, Teague O’Mara and Marco Tschapka, for a public webinar on Wed Dec 13 at 10am Panamá time. Together, the five of us will discuss our newly published book, BAT ISLAND, taking you on a photographic journey to the rainforests of Barro Colorado Island, Panamá, to meet the 76 species of bats that occupy this small space, and learn about their stunning natural history, physiology, evolution, sensory adaptations, foraging behavior, and social systems. Join us on zoom at
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