Workers council Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

The works council is an important institution in companies and organizations worldwide. It consists of elected representatives of the employees and has the task of representing their interests and promoting communication between the workforce and the institute's management. The main tasks of a works council include statutory co-determination in personnel decisions, negotiating collective agreements, monitoring compliance with labor laws and resolving conflicts in the workplace. The legal basis for cooperation between the works council and institute management is the Works Constitution Act.
The works council plays a crucial role when it comes to matters such as safeguarding and enforcing employee rights or occupational health and safety. Through the monthly discussions with the institute's management, which are required by law, the works council helps to identify and resolve misunderstandings and conflicts at an early stage.
All matters concerning the works council are, of course, treated in strict confidence in accordance with legal requirements.

We meet regularly on Thursdays at 10 am at either the Uni, in Möggingen or in the Bücklestrasse. You are also welcome to drop by spontaneously. The BR office in room M107 at the mill in Möggingen is always open on Thursdays from 8:00 - 13:00. If you have a problem that you would like to address, please get in touch!

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